Displaying items by tag: Portrait Photography
Tuesday, 05 January 2016 11:00
How to get that holiday feeling all year round
How to get that holiday feeling all year round.
With holidays currently at the forefront of everybody’s mind, whether you’re still enjoying one or missing the one that just finished, Infocus has decided to stretch the holiday season all year round.
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Tuesday, 15 December 2015 11:00
Why cheaper is not always better
Nobody likes to part with more money than they have to. We’re conditioned to always hunt for a bargain and seek out the best deal. Most people are the same with photography. But let’s look at why cheaper is not always better.
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Monday, 27 October 2014 11:00
God's Show & Tell
One of the most beautiful phenomenon in the world are electrical lightning storms. Thunder and lightning provides extraordinary air shows. So how and when do you capture such a glamorous light display?
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